Dr Rupy Aujla

"Dr Rupy Aujla is the NHS GP who started 'The Doctor's Kitchen'. A project to inspire patients about the beauty of food and the medicinal effects of eating well.

Not only does he create delicious recipes on his website and social media channels including Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - but Dr Aujla also talks about the amazing clinical research behind the ingredients he uses in his podcast.

He is the author of two cookbooks - ‘The Doctor’s Kitchen’ and his second book 'Eat to Beat Illness' which was released in March 2019.

In 2011, he overcame his own medical problem by changing his lifestyle and diet. He then realised that a lot of his patients could benefit from a doctor explaining the evidence-based benefits of healthy living.

Dr Aujla is also the founder of ‘Culinary Medicine’ – a non-profit organisation which aims to teach doctors and medical students the foundations of nutrition as well as teaching them how to cook.

"As a doctor, I see the effects of poor dietary and lifestyle choices every day. I got so many questions about nutrition whilst working as a general practitioner that I plucked up the courage to get behind a camera and literally show my patients how to get phenomenal ingredients onto their plate. I’m just a straight talking doctor giving healthy eating inspiration"